How important confidence is to an athlete and how to stand out with it in your performance.

Confidence is the most important mental skill for an athlete who wants to have a peak and consistent performance.
You saw I said skill. It's not something you're born with, it's a product of experience, effort, discipline and mindset.
When you have confidence, you don't doubt, manage your physiological state successfully, deal with mistakes and master your emotions.
Of course, that's easy to say, but how?! How can we have confidence?!
First we will start with the concept of confidence. How strongly you believe you can perform a given skill or task.
Confidence has nothing to do with expectations of winning or flawless performance. Even on the contrary. Expectations and confidence are fundamentally different and even opposite concepts.
What are the sources of confidence:
Training and education
The work ethic
Your mind game
Your mental toughness
Belief in your abilities
In working with athletes, I highlight other sources of confidence.
The most important thing you can do is make a list of your sources of confidence, and then divide them into two columns.
Ones that depend on you and ones that don't.
Sometimes athletes expect to do well in order to feel confident. They are waiting for a good performance or for someone to tell them "Well done! You can!"
This is what I call reactive confidence, ie. something to happen to make you confident.
In contrast, the athletes I work with label proactive confidence. The one that we create within ourselves, that healthy dose of confidence that we carry with us into the competition and that we protect from the "confidence killers".
What they are: comparing yourself to others and doubting your abilities.
A video that will help you get a better idea.
If you would like to use a proven system of mining and exercising confidence, please contact me to make your performance even better.